Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Christmas in Florida

Shortly after moving to Florida I began taking note of things that are different here than they are up north where it snows during the winter. Below is my take on Christmas in Florida.

Every once in a while you have one of those strange moments in Florida where you realize, "I've never done that before." Here are some of mine that have happened over the Christmas season.

I have never...

Spent all day outside the day after Thanksgiving in 75 degree weather wearing a t-shirt, shorts, and flip flops.

Gone swimming outside in 80 degree weather two days after Thanksgiving.

Gone Christmas shopping while wearing a t-shirt, shorts, and flip flops.

Decorated the Christmas Tree and almost knocked it down because my shorts got caught on one of the branches.

Had the realization that the only snow I might see this year may be from visiting up north over the Christmas holiday (I'm perfectly fine with that one by the way).

Had the realization that the only time I may have to wear a winter coat is when I visit up north over the Christmas holiday.

Hoped I don't forget to pack my winter coat when I visit up north over the Christmas holiday.

Slept through the night during the Christmas season without having to run the heat.

Gone to church dressed like Magnum PI.

Had the windows open during the Christmas season so a fresh cool breeze could come in from outside because it was getting too warm inside with the windows closed.

Watched the ornaments on the Christmas tree sway back and forth from the wind generated by the ceiling fan.

Had the thought, "Hmmm, I wonder if I would enjoy having some Christmas ornaments that had mini chimes on them, so when the ceiling fan blew on the Christmas tree you could hear soothing tones."